
Streamline Note taking

  How can you make your day less busy?  

With CounselPRO you’ll never have to worry about keeping track of your counselling notes again.

One of the key benefits of CounselPRO is that it enables you to easily access a student’s complete consultation history with just a few clicks. This makes it much easier to prepare for upcoming sessions, as you’ll have all the necessary information right at your fingertips. Whether you need to review previous sessions, check on progress, or revisit specific topics, CounselPRO makes it easy to stay informed and prepared.

With CounselPRO you’ll be able to ditch paper notes for good. No more stacks of notebooks, no more scribbled reminders on scraps of paper - just clean, organized digital notes that are easy to search, sort, and share.

How can you make your day less busy?

Craft end-of-term reports that tell the whole story

  How can you use data to show the counselling team's impact throughout the term?  

CounselPRO allows you to easily generate end-of-term and end-of-year reports that highlight key issues and trends in student counselling, which can be shared with the senior leadership team (SLT) and the Board.

With CounselPRO, counsellors can quickly and easily compile data and insights from their interactions with students, including information on the types of issues being addressed, the frequency and duration of counselling sessions, and any notable trends or patterns that emerge over time. This data can then be used to create detailed reports that provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s counselling services and their impact on students.

How can you use data to show the counselling team's impact throughout the term?

Keep the student's usual counselor informed

  Is the student's usual counselor always up to date on their progress?  

A student’s usual counsellor has a deep connection with the student and is aware of all aspects of their care.

However, sometimes the usual counsellor is not available the day a student needs a consultation. Make sure that they are always in the loop by allowing the usual counsellor to see all of the student’s consultations across all counsellors.

Note: This feature is off by default and can be enabled after the consent of the schools counselling team.

Is the student's usual counselor always up to date on their progress?

Help part-time counsellors have a full-time impact

  What happens on the days that part-time counsellors are not at school?  

CounselPRO enables part-time counsellors to take notes during their time at school and make them available to other counsellors when they are not there. This means that students can continue to receive support even if the counsellor they saw previously is not available on the day of their next consultation.

Not only does this help ensure continuity of care for students, but it also allows part-time counsellors to have a greater impact. By sharing their notes with other counsellors, they can reach more students and provide more comprehensive support.

What happens on the days that part-time counsellors are not at school?

Empower new counselors to take over seamlessly

  How do you make sure that student care is maintained when counsellors change?  

At schools with a single counsellor, often when the school’s counsellor changes the new counsellor is not appointed until after the current counsellor has left. Without a period of overlap there is no opportunity for the counsellors to hand over cases in person.

CounselPRO facilitates this handover by securely storing and organising all of the counselling notes so that they are available to hand over to the new counsellor.

How do you make sure that student care is maintained when counsellors change?

Keep track of at-risk students

  How do you keep students in need top-of-mind?  

Easily see which students are:

  • Actively attending counselling
  • At risk
  • Being referred to other services.
How do you keep students in need top-of-mind?

Prepare for reviews

  How long does it take you to prepare for a review session?  

With CounselPRO it’s easy to prepare for a review or discussion by generating a summary list of recent sessions

How long does it take you to prepare for a review session?

Be prepared when old consultation notes are requested

  Is complying with archived note requests proving difficult?  

CounselPRO also allow the senior counsellor or head of department to search for past students and access a former counselor’s notes for compliance and archival requests.

Is complying with archived note requests proving difficult?

Get support when you need it

  Who supports your counselling practice?  

As school counsellors navigate the complexities of their profession, having peace of mind is essential.

CounselPRO provides this peace of mind through its excellent track record and fantastic customer support.

We pride ourselves on our customer support, we’re always happy to assist! We’ve been growing steadily over the past 5 years and CounselPRO is currently being used in over 100 school and growing each year.

Who supports your counselling practice?